Other Facilities

Seminar Hall:     Room no.:1 is equipped with Interactive Projector, White Board and E-Station and plan to convert it into Seminar Room.

Canteen: It can accommodate about 100 students at a time. Various types of snacks, soft drinks, tea, coffee, etc are available at subsidized rates. Canteen committee comprising of three teachers regularly keep in touch and keep check on the quality, rates and hygiene of food items being served there.

Tuck Shop: It stocks various required items needed in emergencies. Girls need not go outside the college campus for their daily purchases. It is also equipped with a PCO and internet facilities.

Healthcare: A qualified lady doctor visits the college every Saturday. The students can consult her freely without paying any fee. Various medicines are also provided on the doctor’s recommendation to the girls free of cost.

Separate offices for NSS, NCC, Women Cell, Career Guidance and Placement Cell, Legal & Equal Opportunity Centre.

Well furnished Girls' Common Room.  

Well lighted and hygienic canteen.

Well furnished class Rooms.

Water Coolers with Aqua Guards.                   

Cycle & Scooter stand. 

Security System 24 Hours.

Fire Fighting Equipment.